Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mini Haul @ 4/2/10

This arrived today. Initially I wanted only one car, but after much pursuance and poison, I got a few more.
The package..hehe..

Loose Cars first..hehe
TH Chysler 300C.. Already have a carded, but it looks awesome when uncarded!
2007 Mystery Car -> Corvette Stingray.. Sweet car !!
Another loose car, TH05 Mustang GT~ My first TH..hehe
Yes!! Finally got my baby !!!
This came as a RAOK from mchw08 . Thanks a million !!


  1. wow! nice haul eric!
    all the loose car really nice especially thunt!

  2. haha..thanks for the comment daniel.. been looking high and low for that Fury

  3. Glad u liken them bro, always a pleasure to help out fellow collectors. Cheers
